The wrap is stunning. Wannietta knit this one on a slightly bigger needle. She felt that her first one was a bit on the tight side.
Ms. UPS brought 3 huge boxes today.
There was also a box from Biches & Buches. These are new colours of Le Petit Silk & Mohair. They will be added to the website over the weekend as well.
The newest colour of Le Petit Lambswool is amazing! Meet Light Pink Violet - this has been added to the website. Can’t you see a Botanic Wrap knit with it? I put it with Crazy 2355 and Dyed in the Wool Neveruary B.
I am going to dream about a Newleaf in this combination.
We’ve all knit the sweater and I know I’d make it again. Lynn is talking about making it with long sleeves. I’m sure we could convince Sarah that she needs another one 😘
I have a few rows in me before bed. Two more boxes were delivered by Canpar this afternoon that I didn’t even open. I’ll be in the store for a while tomorrow.