Sale Saturday September 14th

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

How hard is it to buy a couch?

Congrats Rhonda!! This has to do with Ravellry which I know absolutely nothing about. I came to the blog table late and will be late to Ravellry as well. She was contacted by Norah Gaughan today. Rhonda knit the Berroco Pike vest for me and has the pictures on her blog. Norah wants to use the pictures on Ravellry-Rhonda has made the big time!!!

Beth and I still need a couch for the loft. We need something comfy that the dogs can lay on and preferably not expensive. The Brick is out because of problems we had with them which leaves Leons. We found the perfect couch, chair and ottomans about 6 weeks ago. The salesman checked the computer and they were out of stock but he would call us when it came in. He never called so about 3 weeks ago we went back. "Oh, that couch has come in and is out of stock again" to which we replied "Why didn't you call?" We didn't get a good answer but put down a deposit and we were supposed to get the couch the next week. Guess what-still haven't heard from them. On Monday I stopped by a different Leon's and the store in Burlington has it in stock-that is where we put down our deposit. Beth called them and they promised it would be delivered on Thursday. Today she gets a call at 2pm and has to be at Leon's by 5pm to pay for it or we aren't getting it. No one mentioned this on Monday so Beth got a little pissed. A manager called her back and had no reason why we are still waiting for the couch. He is going to make a special exception for us and take a visa card when they deliver. Finally-we can watch tv on a comfy couch-you know what we will be doing on Friday night.

Not much knitting to report but the store is shaping up.

Someone asked about signing up for knitting classes-just give me a call in the store.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Tuesday afternoon ramblings

I am working on the class schedule for this fall. I have two courses decided on. The first will be an advanced finishing course-a four week course where you will learn how to properly sew side, shoulder and sleeve seams, how to make adjustments to a pattern to make the finishing easier, how to properly pick up stitches around a neck and down a front band on a jacket and if time permits some short rows. The other course will be for the scarf/dishcloth knitter or the person who wants to get back into knitting-we are going to get you knitting a sweater. The yarn will be Hug from Sirdar-big needles so it goes quickly. You can knit for a child, woman or man.

I did get a little knitting accomplished over the weekend. Unfortunately there wasn't much time on Sunday. There was 10 football games and a Nascar race all on at the same time. I spent all day working the converter.

These amazing backpacks are from the new Noni patterns that will be available later this fall.

We are now carrying Alfa from Sandnesgarn. It is 85% wool and 15% mohair that knits on a 7mm needle.

Friday, September 21, 2007

The moving continues...

The moving around in the store continues. Fleece Artist yarn has been at the front door for a long time and I decided it was time to shake things up-kind of like Costco. Every time you walk in the store they have moved things so you have to walk every aisle to find what you want. Merino Otto is now at the door. This is an amazing 100% merino wool that is made in Italy. I can tell you from experience that this yarn does not pill. Bev has a jacket in it that she wears continually (she had it on again at the weekend). It looks as good as it does the day it was knit.

I have decided on my next project. In Monday's post I showed three pictures-I have decided on the top capelet-in the colours that are shown. It is knit in Merino Otto. You work the mitred squares first and then pick up to do the solid colours. I have cast on the first square and have about 6 rows done. The couch is calling my name-I'm going to knit and watch the Ti-Cat game.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Working in the store

Last night my dad calls because he wants to go to the TiCat game on Friday night. He asks Beth to go with him and she says 'no way'. She suggests that I go but dad says that I have to work. Beth says 'no problem-I will work in the store for her'. Beth hates working in the store-she really, really doesn't want to go to the football game. He then asks me if I want to go and I say 'no, I have to work. Why not ask mom?' He turns to mom and says 'the girls say you should go with me to the game'. Mom's response was 'I will work in the store and Julie can go with you'. Mom hasn't worked in the store in over 10 years so you know she really doesn't want to go. Poor dad, no one will go with him.

Sirdar has started a new company called Sublime with is making higher quality yarns. We have brought in Baby Cashmere Merino Silk DK. Surprisingly it is a blend of 75% extra fine merino, 20% silk and 5% cashmere. There are four pattern books using this yarn for men, women, children and babies.

This is the Kimono Coat from book 606. There are 4 sizes available starting at 0-3 months and ending with 1-2 years.

Tonight is the night we have all been waiting for-Survivor.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

300th post

Customers would come into the store and talk about their blogs or blogs they were reading and I thought they were crazy-now I am on my 300th post!!

The last two days have been spent unpacking boxes and straightening the store. While I was at it, I decided to move some things around again.

Here is a bit of my current knitting. The back of the Kimono Jacket-I think I am almost 2/3 done. The swatch (don't take a picture of knitting sitting on a granite counter top when it is sunny out) is for a jacket.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Trying to be a good blogger

At the weekend I was reprimanded numerous times because my blogging isn't very prompt.

Quick update from Barry for those of you who were on the weekend. "I got my upgrade on the way home. It was a bit rocky but a nice flight until about 10 minutes out from LAX when we crossed through the tailwind of a Jumbo Jet which forced to drop out of the sky, rock and roll from side to side and to almost turn around by 180 degrees in just seconds. Everything fell out of the kitchen, people fell out of their seats and everyone was screaming. It was not pretty when you saw the earth out of the side of the window. The pilot got us back on track and told us what happened and everyone felt a bit better."

I have been unpacking boxes all day. It will feel good when all the boxes are unpacked and I have no more packing until The Knitter's Frolic in April. Thank goodness I didn't have to pack up my apartment to move to the townhouse.

I have a couple of balls of Naturally Tussock Chunky in a bag to take home with me. I am going to play with something that has been roaming around in the my head for a couple of days. If it goes as planned, it will be a great car coat.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Home Again

We had a blast at the Gone Stitchin' weekend. I didn't get any pictures but I am hoping for some from the others who were there. It was amazing how many people who come on the weekend read my blog. They were all complaining that I hadn't updated in awhile.

Thursday night was a fun evening so Beth and I made up a game-Knitting Beat the Clock. We divided everyone into 5 teams and had them compete against each other. There were many laughs along with a few choice words.

The fashion show was Friday morning. I commentate the show and we had over 60 garments. Prism and Trendsetter both sent amazing trunk shows. Classes started after lunch. Sally taught '2 colours 2 hands' and Barry taught Mitres. Beth and I had to come home for a friend's wedding-the evening was a lot of fun visiting with people we hadn't seen in a while. We were up very early on Saturday morning (5 am) for the drive back up.

Breakfast is at 8am (no lounging at our weekend) and then classes start. Sally taught 2 classes-good grafting and borders. Barry taught a free form purse class which I sat in on. Monica-do you have the purse done yet? Saturday evening was more fun with the student fashion show and door prizes. Because it was our 10th anniversary, we drew for a free weekend for next year's retreat. Susan won the weekend which was amazing-she was the first one to pay this year.

We are all dragging by Sunday morning. There is one more class in the morning and then the pack up to come home. We have a huge market place at the weekend showing off new yarns, books and knitting bags. Luckily there was no traffic on the way home and made the trip in under 2 hours. Usually we are stop and go through Barrie.

I will have information on next year's retreat in about a month. Our instructors are set-Sally Melville and Barry Klein will be back next year. Both are already talking about the courses they would like to teach.

I didn't touch needles while I was away-absolutely no time-but I am inspired to get something new started.

The first two wraps are from Jane Slicer-Smith. The jacket is by Fayla Reiss. These are just a few of my 'wants'. We had some of Sally's garments in the fashion show and when you see them live, they are amazing. Another choice is the Einstein Coat. Simple to knit but it looks amazing.

How about Big Brother? I didn't get to see the show on Thursday night but Beth watched it at 11 and told me what happened. Dick and Danielle in the final. That is going to really tick some people off in the jury house.

Survivor starts on Thursday night-Hurray!!! It normally starts the Thursday of our retreat and I miss the first episode.

I can't write anymore tonight-I have to save some up for tomorrow!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

A quick post

The Knitter's Fair last Saturday was great. It is always fun to meet up and gossip with people that I haven't seen for a while. The date for next year's fair is Saturday, September 13 - one weekend later than normal.

I have my truck packed and ready to go for the Gone Stitchin' Weekend. I will be away from the computer until Sunday afternoon.

I have done a bit of knitting on the Kimono Jacket over the past week-maybe 30 rows on the back. I am itching to start something new, just not sure what it will be.

Dick, Danielle and Zach as the final three on Big Brother. I don't think anyone would have predicted that on week one.

Have a good weekend and I will check in on Monday.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Happy Day!!

The day started out great when the UPS man brought me a box of shawl pins from Wouldworks. These are the great wooden shawl pins that I showed a couple of weeks ago. A little while later the Canpar man came with a box that included a finished sweater in Sirdar Baby Bamboo. Then this afternoon, the post man brought me in a box from Moving Mud. These are the glass shawl pins that I showed Friday. Then, Rhonda came through the door with my Dream in Color shrug (no picture yet but I will get one at the Knitter's Fair). I finished knitting it but didn't have time to block and finish. Thanks Rhonda, it looks great. Rumour has it that you have a birthday coming up soon. All these shipments arrived just in time for the Knitter's Fair.

Last night I was doing some running around in the Expedition. How come our parking spots in Canada are smaller than those in the US? I was shopping across the border last week and the spots were definitely wider with much wider aisles. This wasn't one mall but at four different shopping areas that I visited. In many of the parking lots they also have angled parking. It is so much easier to pull in and out of the spots. We have a shopping area in Ancaster called The Meadowlands. It must have been designed by a man!! It is like a maze and the parking is very tight. Beth won't drive my Expedition over there because you have to park miles away from everything.

Another great tv night tonight. The first game of the NFL season and it should be a great one. Big Brother as well with two people being evicted tonight. The first vote of Jameka or Jessica should be interesting. I will laugh if America picks Jessica and Eric has to vote for her to leave.

See you on Saturday.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

'Around the Bay' Knitting Guild

Last night was our first guild meeting for the year. There were 26 ladies out with quite a few newbies. Everyone introduced themselves and talked about what they are currently knitting. There wasn't enough time for me to tell everything that I am knitting!! Next meeting we have been asked to bring in yarn that we no longer want/need. There will be a silent auction for the yarn with the proceeds going towards cancer research.

Beth returned home from Myrtle Beach which means I have my bed back. The dogs stayed with me and liked to stretch out in bed at night. There were mornings that I woke up laying parallel to the headboard.

I am almost packed for the Knitter's Fair. Many of you are worried about being at the show right at 9:30. I suggest you wait until noon-the show starts to slow at that time. In the morning, the booths are so full that you can't move. Also, bring cash or credit cards. Most vendors don't have machines that can take debit cards.

Everyone is asking me what we are brining to the Knitter's Fair. I am keeping that a secret but I will tell you that
-Smooshy sock yarn is packed
-Blue Sky Alpacas sent some great garments

My shipment of Offhand Design bags arrived yesterday afternoon. I want them all!!!

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Mom and dad are in Myrtle Beach for the next two weeks. Beth flew down to spend the long weekend with them. I am looking after the dogs. They are no problem but they don't want to let me sleep. If they are in bed with me they are both lying on top of me. Very comfortable!!!

You wouldn't believe the number of boxes I have unpacked this week. Cathy is coming to work with me on Tuesday to get it all put away.

We are going to be carrying some Jo Sharp yarns and magazines again. We will be carrying her Silk Road Aran Tweed and Silk Road DK Tweed. Her magazine KNIT Issue 3 is in the store.

From Debbie Bliss there are four new magazines.

Cashmerino Collection
Rialto Aran
Luxury Collection

I put in links for the magazines so you could see the pictures but for some reason I kept getting an error back. I am a little lacking on patience this moring so I took the links out-sorry.

We also received two new sock yarns from Lana Grossa