I just wanted to share a picture of my 2022 temperature blanket I finished today! All knitted with Rowan Felted Tweed from The Needle Emporium. I used my own colours and am very happy with how it turned out.Stephanie’s colours are fabulous.
Thanks for the great idea for a fun knit.
This got me thinking about my blanket. I think I stopped in April. I could go back and figure out the temperatures for each day but I’ve decided to pick it up again this April and finish it. No one will know the difference. 😀 If you are thinking about a Temperature Blanket, here are combinations of Felted Tweed that I put together.
Mr. FedEx brought in a huge box from Biches & Buches. Le Lambswool is well stocked.We had an Amaryllis competition at my house. I kept forgetting to take pictures. Or maybe I did it on purpose because my flower wasn’t cooperating. Dad’s is already finished. Beth’s flower is on the right. This is her second stock to bloom. Mine is on the left. I missed Christmas by a bit.
Banana Bread night.