Sale Saturday September 14th

Wednesday, September 01, 2021

Welcome September

Joji released a new pattern today - Some Me Time. 
Photos © Joji Locatelli
From Joji

This is the type of project that brings me the greatest pleasure: soothing, repetitive and meditative. It’s what I most love to knit during my ‘me’ time. 
Designs like these truly let me enjoy and make the most of this craft’s soul healing properties. They feel like a scented candle, or a warm cup of freshly brewed coffee. 
Relax, let go of all the worries.

I love to have a project that I can look at and know exactly at which point I left it, without having to check what’s next. Simple repetitions that produce a beautiful complex fabric with minimal effort.  

I love a project that can grow organically, without me making lots of plans before-hand. 
I often start these projects saying ‘This one is just for me. I don’t need to write this pattern, it’s just for my own enjoyment’, but here you are, reading about it. 

I create patterns for self-love, so this one too had to go out to the world and be shared, but don’t worry, the pattern writing process was just as enjoyable as the knitting. This really is a simple design to make the most of our self-loving time, both for you, the knitter and for me, the designer.

You can knit the shawl in sport weight or DK weight yarn so you have many, many options.

When we arrived at the store this morning we found a big box from Mr. Canada Post. New Opal sock yarn. It’s hard to believe that Opal is celebrating their 25th anniversary.

All the colours are available on the website.

I’m into the second ball of both colours. The scarf is a fun knit. You have to pay attention because the rows are all different.

Beth left Jackson with us while she ran some errands. Lynn did absolutely no work - she just played.
He found a water bottle when he got home. I let him have it for pictures and then took it away. He is full of energy tonight.
Beth got out the wrestling mat. They lay on it and make funny noises and beat up on each other. It really tires Jackson out.

I forgot how much energy puppies have.