Sale Saturday September 14th

Sunday, January 19, 2020


Cape Bay by Martin Storey features the yarn Softyak DK. This is another book coming from Rowan for spring.
Softyak DK transcends the seasons thanks to its blend of cotton, yak and nylon. It has a stunningly soft handle and is static resistant and anti-microbial, which means the fabric stays fresher for longer. The chainette construction makes it surprisingly light for a cotton rich double-knitting yarn and it's available in 19 colours, ranging from muted tones to rich jewel shades.
You can look at a Rowan book and know which designs are from Martin Storey. His cable work is amazing.

Day 19 - your favourite fiber

Wool. Hands down. End of story. I'm not picky. If it comes from sheep I like it.