Sale Saturday September 14th

Friday, January 17, 2020

MODE at Rowan

The Spring Mode at Rowan magazine will be arriving in February.
MODE brings quality and timeless design to the forefront and provides you with stylish hand knitwear through this season and beyond.

The colour palette for spring is beautiful.

Day 17 - knitting in your family

My mom taught me to knit when I was young but the knitting genes really come from my dad's side of the family. When my Oma and Opa packed up the six kids and moved from Holland to Canada they were only allowed to bring a limited number of suitcases. They were on one of the very first flights from Holland to Canada. My dad still talks about the fact that one suitcase was full of wool - Scheepjes. His other story is about getting hand knit underwear every year for Christmas. Scratchy, itchy wool underwear. His aunt made them for him and his siblings. This aunt owned a yarn shop in Holland. That was over 70 years ago. It looks like I was destined to have a store.