Sale Saturday September 14th

Thursday, December 20, 2012

New yarn and a bit of tech advice

Last night I started thinking. That is always a bad thing.

TNNA (the trade show I go to twice a year to buy yarn) is at the beginning of February in Long Beach California. Do you know where you fly over to get to Long Beach? Vegas is the correct answer. I have a flight booked into Vegas and will be staying a few days. Then I fly into Long Beach airport. It isn't much bigger than my store. The luggage carousels are outside. Amazing place to fly into. I will be at the show on Saturday and Sunday. Monday morning I fly back to Vegas and then home to Toronto on Tuesday. I started questioning why I wasn't leaving a day earlier for Vegas. This morning I spent 45 minutes on the phone with Air Canada and got my flight changed. It was an expensive 45 minutes. Not with Air Canada but because an email came through about a new yarn from Malabrigo. It took 2 minutes to do my order.


Pure Merino Wool. 310 yards per skein.(285m)Single. 100 grams per skein. Slightly felted Needles US 6-7 Gauge 20 to 22 sts = 4 inches Hand wash, dry flat
This exquisite new yarn is just as buttery soft and delectable as its heavier gauge cousin, Rasta.
The following amazing colours are coming. We might get them tomorrow but I think probably on Monday.
The skeins will retail for $23.95.
The first thing that popped into my head when I saw this was Linen Stitch Scarf.
I can't wait for the yarn to arrive!!

Yesterday afternoon Cathy sent me a text with a tech question. She reads my blog on her iPad and for some reason it has changed from the standard view (like you see on your computer screen) to a mobile view that you would see on your cell phone. She wanted the old view back but didn't know how to do it. Did I know? I didn't but now I do. Sorry-there are lots of pictures but it makes it easier to describe what to do. As you can see I did this at 5:50 this morning. :)

This is the mobile view.
Look at the top in the address bar. It says and it ends in a 1. We need to change that to a zero.

 Changing to zero brings you back to the regular view.
At the top of the screen hit the arrow and this pops up. Hit Add to Home Screen. Then you don't have to change the number every time you go to my blog. Or any blog that you read.
Put in the blog name so that it shows up on your screen
Now there is an icon on my screen that I can touch and the blog comes up.
I hope this makes sense. I understand what I want you to do :)

This post is definitely long enough now. I'm going to sign off and get back to Drop City. There are only a few rows to go and then I will be at the halfway point. I can't wait for the decreasing to start-the rows will be getting shorter which means it will go faster.