Last night Beth and I decided to catch up on Grey's Anatomy. We watched the season opener but the rest of the episodes were taped. We taped them on CTV and every five minutes the sound cuts out for 10 seconds. Very annoying. Finally I grabbed my iPad and bought the season. Now we can watch them without commercials. This seems to be a problem for us with anything taped on CTV.
I got 13 rows of Jack done. I had hoped for more but we all hope for things we don't get.
This is a close up to show the tweed colours. Beige and purple with a touch of khaki green. The big picture is the real colour of the yarn.
I searched and searched and couldn't find the other sleeve. I guess I hadn't knit two. When I look at the amount of yarn I have left I don't think I could have knit a second sleeve. In the back of my brain there is still a glimmer of hope that I will find that sleeve before I finish the front. I do live in a dream world some days.
Now that I'm making progress on Jack I have been thinking of a few of the other projects sitting upstairs to finish. I'm hoping to have a few new garments by the new year. It's kind of like spring cleaning. :)
It's going to be a stressful football day. We are in the first week of the playoffs. After Thursday's game we are way behind. I'm not good at losing.
And then we are done football there is the two hour finale of the Amazing Race. I like the four remaining teams. I think I want James and Jaymes to win. I totally misjudged them at the beginning and they are racing for a good cause.
Have a good afternoon. It's time to get to work on my knitting.