Sale Saturday September 14th

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Boxing Day

I hope Santa was good to you. He brought me an iPad Mini. Thanks Santa. He does pay attention!

I'm doing my post on it and used it to take pictures yesterday and today.

It didn't take long to set up. Everything transferred very fast with my apple ID.

The cake that Beth made for dessert last night.

I made chocolate chip cookies.

We do a gift game at Christmas dinner. Here is the first gift that Beth wrapped. If you can call it wrapping.

She wanted to make the second gift really different. She spent half an hour downstairs trying to find something to wrap in.

She started screaming Ernie Els.

The life size poster in our basement.

We taped the gift on the back.

It took three full rolls of wrapping paper plus a bit.

I wouldn't let Beth use the really good stuff.

Of course I was going to have a matching gift tag and bows.

We had a great time at Christmas dinner. Lots of kids. Little kids and they were all great. No crying. The food - turkey and lasagna. Doesn't get any better than that.

Some of the boys were very jealous of Kim because she got the Ernie Els gift.

When we got home there were a few episodes of The Mentalist and knitting. The Alpaca Chunky scarf is finished. I will sew the ends in tomorrow. And get a better picture. It is very long and very soft.

That is Melo walking by as I was taking the picture. They decided it was play time in the house.

Today I pulled out an older project. I'm making the Churchmouse Easy Fold Poncho

In Debbie Bliss Luxury Tweed Chunky. I could have gotten further but ran out of yarn.

I did a few rows on the Groovy Scarf while we got caught up on Grey's Anatomy. How many weeks are we going to have to wait for the next new episode??

I needed to figure out how far I was and how much yarn I need to finish because the yarn is going on sale tomorrow. I don't think I will be happy if I sell all of the colour and can't finish.

Dinner is almost ready so I better get going. Beth is picking a movie to download. I think I will work on the Linen Stitch scarf. I'm all over the place with my knitting today. :)