Sale Saturday September 14th

Thursday, December 06, 2012

It's Almost Done

While Kim and I were making kits yesterday I was looking through the free patterns on I found a few that are very fitting for the cold weather that has arrived. I shouldn't be complaining though. I talked with Phyllis in the Yukon yesterday and it is -40 with the wind chill. -40. That is really cold.

Unisex Scarf
This unisex, cable scarf has been designed exclusively for Rowan's web site by Sarah Hatton, using Rowan Felted Tweed Aran
download the pattern... 

These Big Wool mittens were originally featured in Rowan's Bigger Picture collection and are now available to download.
download the pattern... 

One ball of Big Wool or Drift.
10mm needles.

Beth and mom headed to the airport last night and I stayed home with the dogs and knit. It's done!!! It's almost done!!! I just have to block it and sew in the ends. I'm going to block it first to make sure that the borders are lying flat. If they aren't I might need to take out the cast off and redo. Once I'm happy with those then I can sew in the ends.

Pattern: All the Shades of Truth (purchased on Ravelry)
Yarn: tosh merino light - 1 skein each of charcoal, onyx, night bloom, whiskers and rain water

I'm feeling a bit empty now that it is done. I really enjoyed making it. In my world garter stitch is very soothing. There is a shipment of tosh merino light coming in the next few weeks. You never know, there could be another colourway in the works.

I just received an email from a customer. Many knitters and crocheters ask me about labels (the kind you sew in the back of your sweater that says Made By or Made with Love or.....) and I don't know where to send them.
I just received my labels...they are lovely, customer service is excellent and very reasonable prices! Just wanted to pass along to my knitting friends.
I haven't ordered from this company and don't know anything about them but if you are looking for labels it might be worth checking them out.

Mountain Street Arts 

My dad just stopped by the store to bring me a tea. He looks tired but was in good spirits. Today was spent pouring concrete. At least in Canada the truck drives up with the concrete already mixed for you. He was heading back to the office and then home for a nap before tonight's football tonight.

I'm home and All the Shades is soaking in Soak. Unleash is the scent of choice tonight.
Dad dropped off many sheets of styrofoam in different sizes. I'm going to empty the water and roll in towels tonight. Tomorrow morning I will lay it out to dry.

Drop City is sitting on the counter looking at me so it's time to sign off and get knitting.