Sale Saturday September 14th

Saturday, December 08, 2012


Meet Jack.
This is my resurrected Rowan project.
The back is almost done. For some reason I stopped about 2" short. I think I was waiting to see how the sleeves were going to fit in. Last night I took back the last row. If your knitting has been on needles for some time you should take out the last row worked and cut the yarn. The stitches left on the needle can stretch.

One sleeve is done. For some reason I thought both were done so I am going to do some digging tonight.

The front was started and I got 14 rows done last night. My plan was to get a picture today but it is pouring rain here so I didn't bother bringing it with me. Maybe tomorrow.

It is from the Rowan magazine The Tweed Collection. I can't find my copy. Luckily I have the pattern photocopied - many, many times. I love the sweater and have yarn stashed for another one. There is one small problem with the pattern-the chart for the cables doesn't match the picture. I decided to go with the picture so I had to do a bit of fudging on the chart.

The yarn is Rowan Chunky Tweed. One of my favourite all time yarns.

Before I left for work this morning I started downloading the first season of The Mentalist on my iPad. It is going to be a knitting night and watching a show with no commercials is so much better.

The chocolate chip cookies I baked
last night for Kate and
her class.
Kate Atherley was in the store today teaching-fixing mistakes and then toe up socks. It was a bit crazy in the store and I didn't get down to see their progress. Everyone commented that they enjoyed the classes. The afternoon ladies were going home to knit socks.

I'm thinking about a nap and then some heavy duty knitting. Yes, I lead a very exciting life. :)