Sale Saturday September 14th

Monday, December 17, 2012

Jubilee Throw

Jane and her husband just left. The Jubilee Throw is growing. Talk about amazing!!!

She wanted to lay it out on the floor for us to see it. Beth and I both screamed "NO". We didn't want it covered in dog hair.

Here is the part that is already sewn together. Jane tried very hard to get it done for Christmas and she almost made it.
Almost all the squares are knit. She pinned the chart to the finished squares so she knows where they will fit into the finished blanket.
Words can't describe how amazing this looks. Beth has already picked the wall that it is going to hang on-the colours are perfect for our house.

Thank you Jane! She is leaving for Florida this week and will be home in March. Maybe she will email pictures as the rest of it grows. :)


Seajaes said...

That is a work of art!

Candice said...

Unbelievable! Stunning! I want it.

lookinout said...

It's also a work of devotion. Quite astounding! But in my house, I would crochet the squares together. OTOH it would be easier for me if they were equal.