Sale Saturday September 14th

Monday, August 17, 2020

Showing Off

I received an email from Susan this morning with her latest finished project.
Here is my finished Hipster in Primrose Vintage DK in the colour Vinyl. I hope my sister in law loves it. I do!  I didn’t think I was going to like the drape until I blocked it. It made a huge difference. 
Susan wanted an easy shawl in black for her sister in law. I sugggested Joji’s Hipster (pattern purchased on Ravelry) and I’m glad that I did. It is beautiful!

Did you know that Joji is about to start her annual KAL. (Knit a Long)? You can read all about it on Ravelry. If you want to participate and have a chance to win a prize then you must sign up. There is a tutorial for this in the link that I gave.

Tracey is knitting Greenwood from the cover of Rowan magazine #62. It is gorgeous! The yarn is Rowan Felted Tweed.
It hasn't been blocked and the colour flecks are sewn in later, but the back is done and I have 9 or 10" of the front done. The first 25 or so rows were nerve-wracking but then the pattern was firmly implanted in my head 

These are the colour flecks that Tracey was talking about.
We had a beautiful rainbow tonight. It was very bright and really wide. There was another rainbow to the right as well but by the time I grabbed my phone it was starting to disappear.
Peggy sent me a text when we were looking at the rainbow. She got the double rainbow. She also suggests that I buy a lottery ticket because from her house it looks like the rainbow is circling our house. From my house the rainbow is another 6 doors down.

A few rows of knitting and then bed. I have parcels to pack in the morning and maybe something to unpack. We might see our Cocoknits order tomorrow. I will try and get everything online ASAP.
Needle gauges and stitch markers.