Sale Saturday September 14th

Monday, August 03, 2020

Fun with the dogs

We took the dogs to K9 Fun Zone in Caledonia today for Boscoe to try dock jumping.
Beth and the dogs were just getting into the pool when I got there. Boscoe loved the water. He didn’t want to run and jump in. He ran down the ramp and into the water.
Lucy would walk down the ramp and then lay down on it. She isn’t so sure about the water. She went once before and ended up in the pool and panicked. I think if we take her weekly she will become more confident.

She was happy lying on the ramp or up on the deck.

When our time was up dad asked ‘are we going for ice cream?’ You can’t be that close to Hewitt’s and not go. Thank goodness they had his Maple Walnut today. He gets pouty when they are out.

Jean sent an email this morning with pictures of her finished Find Your Fade. It is gorgeous.
Jean knit this for her friend Elaine and used Rockshelter sock. 7 shades of blues/purples.

I was up early and went to the store to pack orders before heading to Caledonia. There are 13 boxes ready for Mr. Canada Post tomorrow morning. He is not going to be happy with me - his truck is going to be filled with my boxes.