Sale Saturday September 14th

Friday, July 12, 2019

Back at Work

Photos ©Stephen West
Stephen West has a new shawl. The Jigshawl Puzzle pattern can be purchased on Ravelry.
Create a colorful collage using this geometric design to mix and marl your fingering weight yarns together. The pattern is written using eight skeins of yarn, but you can use scraps and leftover bits of yarn to utilize your stash. This shawl is constructed one section at a time as you knit the pieces together, so there is no sewing required. A final I-cord bind off frames the triangular shape. Use this modular design as a canvas to paint and explore marled knitting.
Every time you knit a shawl there are leftovers. Sometimes lots of leftovers. What a perfect way to use these up. The shawl is knit on 5mm needles double stranding your fingering weight yarn so it should be a quick knit.

We have new pompoms. They are gorgeous! These are attached to your hat with a snap so it is easy to remove them.
Dad and Lynn did a great job looking after the garden while I was away.
Lots of new flowers. The deer did get into my Day Lilies a bit but they left the Hostas alone.

Our trip home was uneventful but I am sad to say that I didn't knit on the plane. I fell asleep which I never do. Beth kept me running in Vegas and I was wiped out. I still am. Today's post is early because I have a feeling I will be in bed before dark tonight.

As promised here are some more pictures from the trip.

The Conservatory

Now I want Hydrangeas like these in my garden.

Now I need to finish up a few orders for fall. It is only nine weeks until the Knitters' Fair.