Sale Saturday September 14th

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

We're making progress

This is all I can show so far but Korey is confident that we will be ready to use the new website by Christmas. Not everything will be transferred by then but we will try and get everything moved over as quickly as possible.

This beautiful shawl is knit with LITLG. We have the three colours that Brian used in both Merino Singles and Bounce Sock.

You can purchase the pattern for Frindorce on Ravelry.

Make sure you check your inbox. A newsletter went out this morning.

I thought that I was so smart going outside for pictures. This is the first picture I took of Nightshift and was upset that it was partly in the shade. I took more in the direct sun and it totally distorted the colours. I was standing in the grass/mud in good shoes and wanted to get into the store quickly so I will do more pictures tomorrow.

Ms. UPS brought in two big boxes this afternoon. The Foldover bag is here.

We just watched the finale of Survivor. I came to shut down my computer and realized I hadn't finished my post. I did get quite a few rows knit tonight. I'm at 155 stitches. 30 more to increase - that is 60 rows. Now it's bed time!!