Today's discounted pattern from Ambah O'Brien is Kimba (purchased on Ravelry). The discount runs for 24 hours. She posted it on Facebook around 6pm today so my guess is that the discount will end around 6pm EST August 29.
Enjoy an automatic 50% off today’s featured pattern, just add to your cart to see the new price.This is my Kimba. I really enjoyed knitting the shawl. I used Hedgehog Skinny Singles in Raku, Cereal, Wildcard and Hurricane.
Beth and I hosted a dinner party tonight. I'm exhausted so this is going to be short.
We were boring Lucy so she got comfortable on the couch. Her snoring was so loud.
Roko had better things to do than socialize. It is much better to play with two toys at once.
Now to load the dishwasher and then The Amazing Race Canada. I need to knit a few rows on my cardigan.