Fuse Moorland
Long Dog Single Through the Woods
LITLG Single Crush
Primrose Adelaide Batty
I am making up some kits for Slow Curves and need your help. The kit has 4 colours. According to Joji's yardage, I will need 2 skeins of the third colour for most of the kits. When I look on Ravelry at finished shawls, it looks like we can get away with 1 skein of the third colour.
Do I put in the extra skein? If you don't use it then you could be upset that you spent an extra $40 on the kit.
I don't put in the skein and you run out. Then you are super upset.
Which is better??? Please leave a comment at the bottom of the post.
I've spent today writing a newsletter and I think it's almost ready to go. I was writing about Camp and remembered something that Beth wrote for me a few years ago.
Knitting Camp is nothing like the camp you attended as a kid. At Knitting Camp you get to choose your day’s activities. Go to class, sleep in, take a hike - totally up to you. Super comfy accommodations with someone else making your bed. And the food is incredible and seemingly endless. The one way it is like camp though, is that you will make great new friends who you will look forward to seeing year after year. Come as a group, a couple (non-knitting partners love camp too!) or on your own. Don’t worry you’ll all be included in the fun.
Dad and I had dinner with Aunt Rene and Uncle Bob tonight. It's great getting together with family. Where was Beth? It was Club Championship weekend at her golf course. She played well Saturday and Sunday. Today wasn't as good but it was good enough. She won.
Now it's time to knit for an hour before bed. My needles have been calling to me all day.