He will not look like this for long.
Quick break for snacks:)
OK - I'm back - Don't worry Snowman is safe. Cathy made us some really great sugar cookies too!
Sometimes I have this really strange (but nice) experience in Julie's store that while I am there - usually delivering a tea - someone will say "Hi Beth". I say hello back and then spend the next few minutes trying to figure out how I know this person. I end up asking Julie and she says "Oh, they know you from the blog". So if you are a regular reader of the blog and see me lurking around the store, please say hi - it makes me fell like a celebrity.
Trying to talk to Julie - she is counting. Should I let her know that it doesn't have to be exactly 240 stitches?
I want to wish you all a great Holiday Season. Thanks for being such great friends and customers. All the best in 2015 - keep on knitting!