Sale Saturday September 14th

Monday, August 30, 2021

Mystery Shawl

Stephen West sent out a newsletter today about the upcoming MKAL. 

The MKAL is my annual Mystery Shawl Knit Along and this year's shawl is called Shawlography. We will cast together on October 8 and knit together throughout the month of October as I release a section of the pattern each week until the final design is revealed.

The Mystery Shawl is a complete surprise, so when you sign up on September 1, you just know what types of yarn and needles you need along with color recommendations. Then, I will entertain you with a beautiful show-stopping shawl as we start knitting in October.

You will be able to purchase the pattern on Ravelry or from Stephen’s website. 

Lynn and I spent the afternoon putting together kits. You can see the colours on our website. The kits will be available tomorrow evening (Tuesday, August 31) at 8pm EST. This gives me time to make more kits tomorrow. It also gives everyone a chance to look at the colours and decide. 

I was supposed to leave work but continued putting together combinations. These will be added to the website tomorrow - with proper pictures.

Who knows what I will come up with in the morning.

Now I’m rushing to write a newsletter to get out in the morning. While I’m writing the Great British Baking Show is on. They are making brownies. We’re laughing because Beth made brownies after work. 
The easiest brownies to make and they taste great.