The Fair ended at 4:30. We were in our cars by 5. People at the show kept commenting on how fast we could take down such a large booth. Dad, Beth, Lynn and I headed back to the store and unloaded the van and pick up. I had the store locked at 6:19. Under 2 hours which includes a 1 hour drive. That is amazing.
I also want to thank the Kitchener-Waterloo Knitters' Guild and all the volunteers who put on another amazing show.
Wannietta should learn not to ham it up. I will always pick that picture. She is wearing Veronika knit in Tosh Chunky. The drape is amazing. She chose a Jul leather closure and it looks awesome!
Sarah and Lynn worked hard to get their cardigans finished and the result was fabulous.
We love our Comfort Fade Cardis. I'm definitely going to knit another one. Autumn and Indigo will be shipping us more yarn this week and she is putting together a new colourway for us.
Sarah was inspired by a day around yarn and is ready to start her next project. She wore our sample of Tensho for the afternoon and fell in love.
Always inspired to start a new project after the KW Knitter's Fair. Am in love with this combo of Woolstock by Blue Sky Fibres and Dream State by Spincycle Yarns for an updated classic ski sweater by Thread and Ladle called the Tensho Pullover. The variegated yarn looks beautiful in the pattern section!I knit and watched football all day. Tomorrow we unpack from the show and start packing for Camp. If anyone can tell me where I put the swatches for my class I would really appreciate it. They have gone missing. Alex worked really hard on them and I don't want to reknit them.