My Comfort Fade Cardi is finished. Okay, almost finished. The knitting is done and I'm going to block it when I'm finished writing. Dad was here earlier and I explained blocking to him. Because my sweater is reverse stocking stitch it doesn't really look like it needs blocking. Then I showed him a lace shawl that I am working on and it made a lot more sense to him.
When you see me wearing this at the Knitters' Fair, please don't ask to see the inside. I have a feeling that I will be sewing in ends that are noticeable and some might not be done until after the show.
Every year we start packing for the Knitters' Fair and I have two fears. We don't have enough and the booth will feel empty or we have so much that I can't fit it all in.
Here is a list of what we are taking. So far.
Hedgehog Sock, Skinny Singles and Kidsilk Lace
Yarn and kits for Tensho
Yarn and kits for the Comfort Fade Cardi
Two versions of Veronika will be in the booth. Sarah and Wannietta both knit the cardigan.
Lore from The Fibre Co. We will have four brand new garments on display.
Arranmore Light from The Fibre Co along with great finished garments.
Bags from Atenti
Rowan magazines.
There are a few more shipments on the way. If the yarn arrives it will be at the show. If not we will have it at Knitting Camp and the Woodstock Fleece Festival.
Now it's time to put my feet up. This afternoon I was going between knitting and cleaning. Our cleaning lady is coming tomorrow so the house needs to be in order :)