Sheep Ring Markers are back in stock.
Lynn went through her mitten drawer at home and brought some in for Mission Services. Lynn knits mittens to try out a yarn to see if she likes it. A lot less work then getting half way through a sweater. She also made a hat in worsted weight yarn. She is going to use chunky yarn for the next one - it will go quicker.
Simple chunky cables make the perfect hat to keep noggins warm in the long northern winter.This pattern is Northward - it is free from Tin Can Knits. I think Lynn is going to try this pattern next.
Puppy cam is working on my computer again. The puppies can get in and out of the new pen. Boscoe is the black and white puppy on the right sitting up and eating. He loves to eat!
I questioned Beth on the brown thing in the corner. It is a bed and according to the breeder dogs love it. Right now they sleep under it. Or get up on it and jump off. They don't land properly and roll around. It is so fun to watch.
I spent two hours at the dentist today having old fillings replaced. The dentist wanted to do it in two visits but I wanted it done so both sides of my mouth are frozen. It is just starting to come out and now I'm kind of regretting my decision. Two visits might have been better. Today's Public Service Announcement - it is hard to drink tea out of a Tim Hortons cup when your mouth is frozen. It might be a smart idea to pour it into a mug.