You can mix any worsted weight yarn with the Bamboo Bloom. I picked something colourful to keep Beth interested.
While I was playing in the new yarn yesterday I put together some colour combinations for Dotted Rays - Speckled Fade. Alex knit my shawl and has offered to knit me another one.
I also put together some for Bambara.
The sample uses a 3 colour speckle gradient with a brighter colour “pop”. C1 is the colour “pop”, C2 is the darkest of the gradient trio, C3 is the lightest colour and C4 is the middle shade of the gradient trio.The skein lying across the bottom is the 'pop' colour.
I finished the back of Veronika this afternoon. Now it will go quicker - I get to cast off 49 stitches so my rows are down to 96 stitches. Beth has dinner in the oven so I'm heading back to my needles.