Sale Saturday September 14th

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Knitter's Frolic

We had a great day at the Frolic yesterday. Thanks to everyone who stopped by the booth.
Kim, Lynn and Sarah were amazing getting the booth ready, selling yarn and tearing down the booth. It was our fastest tear down ever-under and hour.

A shout out to my dad and Beth for their help setting up Friday night (with Lynn) and coming Saturday to bring everything home. Beth got up at 4:30 Saturday morning to make us lunch. Yarn shows are a family affair. :)

The biggest thank you has to go to the volunteers from the Downtown Knit Collective for another awesome show. The members of the guild and their friends put in many hours to make it possible for me to sell and for you to buy.

When we got home last night I knit for an hour and then headed to bed. I thought about posting but was way too tired to sit down and write.
Here are pictures of the booth after we dressed my friends.

I've started another Windward. This time I'm using Zen Garden Serenity Silk Single.
It's knitting time while watching the Jays. Hopefully they get their act together soon. What a disappointment so far. And the Yankees are now leading 1-0. Come on Jays!!


Lois Evensen said...

What fun and your displays are beautiful. :)

Lost Mitten said...

The frolic was so much fun and it was great shopping at your booth! I can't wait to get a start on the Austin Hoodie kit that I bought!

Irene said...

Glad things worked out great, I understand the tiredness, I'm crashed from the Creative Festival, we did our take down in record time too.