One small (or big depending on how you look at it) glitch was that my email didn't work for most of the day. I didn't realize how much I relied on email. Kind of scary.
I also learned how to quickly clean out my inbox. I'm not going to be happy about this in a week or so. My emails wouldn't come through to my computer inbox. I could get them on my iPhone and iPad. I deleted one email account from my computer (the main account) and then reinstalled. All my old emails are gone. Even my draft emails are gone. I hope there wasn't anything important.
I thought that most of today would be spent knitting (we were supposed to have bad weather which means no customers) but I haven't picked up my needles yet. The bad weather didn't really hit here and we had lots of customers in. Thanks for making the journey out. I would have been really bored with no one to talk to.
Here is Shadow so far. It looks much better on one of my friends. I'm getting very excited about this-can't wait to see it finished.
Seeing the picture makes me want to take it home tonight but I'm going gang busters on Eos. The front is almost half way done. It should be done by the end of the weekend (or maybe tonight if I go crazy) and then just one sleeve.
Crystal Palace Yarns just called. They have new colours of Mini Mochi.
We should have them in about a week and a half.
Crystal Palace has lots of free patterns on their website. Here are a few to check out in Mini Mochi
Easy Lace Scarf
Eyelet Ease Scarf
Fair Isle Hat and Mittens
Topsy Turvy Cowl
Springy Ring Mittens
Then I went to Ravelry. Here are a few more suggestions
Inspira Cowl
And guess what. These patterns are all free!!!
Beth's Inspira Cowl is done and