There was a surprise waiting for me when I got home tonight. My shawl is dry. I don't know how. I was sure that it would be damp when I packed it tomorrow night. I could have gone to bed at a decent hour on Saturday night. :)
I considered starting to sew in the ends tonight but then I remembered the HST payment that is due before I go. The last hour was spent entering numbers and happy dance, it is done!
Beth is upstairs knitting (GASP) while I am working. A voice just said "I'm a really good knitter." "It's very even" For those of you who know Beth, the knitting part is making you chuckle. She would rather hand yarn to Wannietta, Lynda or Ann and have them make a sweater for her.
She is working on a Linen Stitch Scarf in Classic Elite Liberty Wool. She came in the store and chose/stole her colours. I had nothing to do with it.
Writing cheques. Sugar. I forgot to write one to Lynda. She needs more knitting. I'm warming up the computer (it is old and slow) to make a cheque so that I can get some yarn to her tomorrow. Now I need to figure out what to send. I'm thinking something from one of the new Rowan books.
Gotta run. There is laundry to be folded.