Sale Saturday September 14th

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Patchwork Carpet Bag

When I got home from work tonight I started working on the brochure for Knitting Camp. It should have been done at the beginning of the month but things got in the way. It is done as far as I can go. We are working on another teacher. We have Beth Casey, the owner of Lorna's Laces, coming to teach dying yarn. I am definitely taking that course! Fiona Ellis will be back with three new workshops that she recently taught at Vogue Knitting Live. These classes are very interesting. I'm going to have to sit in on these as well. There won't be time for me to teach this year. :)

It is now Sunday evening. After I started my post last night we had dinner and then moved upstairs to watch TV and knit. Alcatraz is a new show that we taped. Not what I expected but will watch a few more episodes to see what is going on.

There was a bit of TV watching this afternoon. I am making progress on the purple poncho I am knitting. It is plain stocking stitch so there won't be any pictures until it is done. Very boring to look at. Then a nap.

After the nap I logged into my online banking and paid my HST. It isn't due for a few days but missing a tax payment isn't an option. I also logged into my credit card and found the name of the woman who makes the knitting bags that I ordered. After a bit of a search I found her website. I do have her business card but it is in the bag with all the other business cards and papers. I wasn't in the mood to start digging through the pile.

The company is called St. Clair Designs.

Here are much better pictures than the ones I took at the show.

The designer's name is Megan.
From her website
I make these bags out of fine tapestry and upholstery materials, along with oak handles crafted in my father's workshop.  The linings of the bags are as luxurious as the exteriors, and are matched together with creativity and a bit of flair.  In keeping with an old fashioned, carpet-bag-style tradition, I do not use zippers, or the typical inexpensive plastic-type linings that most tapestry bags on the market are lined with.
 I can't wait for these to arrive!!


Candice said...

OMG, Julie! These bags are stupendous! Will they be in the store in time for the Featonby Road Trip this coming Saturday?

Julie said...

Candice-sorry I don't think they will make it here before Saturday. I will contact Megan today to see when she is shipping.