Sale Saturday September 14th

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

The Night Before the Night Before

As Lynn was leaving tonight she confirmed that she will be staying at my house on Friday night. We go to Woodstock Friday afternoon to set up for the Fleece Festival. She stays at my house instead of driving home to St Catharines and then having to drive back early Saturday morning.

I told her tonight is the night before the night before we set up. Then we both said at the same time that I had the title for tonight's post.

What are we taking?
The Veronika Cardigan will be hanging in the booth. This picture is from Camp. Lynn is wearing Linda's knit in Arranmore and Julie is wearing our Eco + version. I will be wearing my Arranmore version.

Double Your Pleasure kits from Prism Yarns will be in the booth. This is one of my favourite garments. Lynn has worn it. Fiona modelled it at Camp. I wore it to a charity event Friday night. One size fits all. I am going to have Lynda make me another one.

The Comfort Fade Cardi will be on display in all three colours. I made up three new colour combinations today and they are safely in a box to join us.

I'm rushing my post because we don't have Internet at home right now. I'm using my cellular data to write. I need to phone Bell but they'll have me turn things on and off and I don't want to disrupt the DVR - Survivor is taping.

My Inspira Cowl is growing and should be finished in time for the Fleece Festival.
Beth had fun at Camp dying sock blanks. She should have taken a picture before winding it into a ball. Now she's knitting it double strand into a hat. She is very proud of herself.
Now it's time for sleep. Tomorrow is a busy day finishing our packing.