I hope you had a great day with family and friends. Our dinner was great. Beth and I hosted. It was a small gathering this time - only 14. Aunt Barb brought the turkey, gravy, stuffing and pies. All the hard stuff. Beth and I did the rest. We had a great time but now I'm tired.
Dad brought over their Sjoelen board. What you ask? It's a dutch version of shuffleboard. Here are the rules to the game...
Our families are very competitive and any game is win at all costs. Beth and I had a few practice rounds before our guests arrived. Pucks were flying, mostly during my turn. We piled pillows in front of the window - just in case.
Roko's tired too. Brynn and Blake ran him and Lucy around the yard all afternoon. They played with tennis balls, golf balls and frisbees. I think we're all ready for bed.
Tomorrow is a big day. I'm golfing with Beth. Last summer I golfed 9 holes and I haven't golfed yet this year. It'll go one of two ways. I'll golf the best round of my life or like I haven't met a golf club before.
A bit of knitting (since it's a knitting blog :) ). I've finished another chart repeat. I'll do a few more rows tonight while I watch the end of the baseball game. Then a good night's rest.