Sale Saturday September 14th

Saturday, October 07, 2017

Chart Trick

I'm enjoying Espe. The patten is very intuitive. After a few pattern repeats you can see where the lines are going and you know right away if you have made a mistake. The other great thing is that the wrong side rows are purled. You can relax on that row.

It is worked from charts that are easy to follow. Here is a little trick.

I write the number of knit stitches between the yarn over and decrease so I don't have to keep counting squares. I have them all over the chart. I couldn't photograph the whole chart because that would be giving away the pattern.

After I have marked up one chart with numbers I make many copies (10 to be exact because you repeat this chart 11 times). Then I can cross off as I do every row. The pattern is intuitive but I still mark off the rows. That way I know where I am if I put it away for a day or two.

We had to say goodbye to Melo this morning. He's been having a hard time walking and there were a few other health problems. He wouldn't take cheese or cookies from me before I left for work and we knew that it was time. There have been some tears but it was for the best.