Sale Saturday September 14th

Saturday, April 01, 2017


Kathy came in today with some of her finished (and almost finished) projects to brag about. If you want to show off your projects, please bring them in. If I can get outside to take some pictures I'll share on the blog.

Pattern: Stephen West Marled Magic Mystery KAL (purchased on Ravelry)
Various yarns from her stash

Now I want to get back to mine.

Kathy knit the large size and is getting ready to cast off. The long ends hanging are on purpose. When finished you can braid them or make them into a thick tassel. This gives the point of the shawl some weight so it hangs nicely.

Here is a link to Ravelry to see the finished Marled Magic Shawls. It's amazing what you can do with stash yarn.

Pattern: Hale-Bopp Shawl (pattern purchased on Ravelry)
Yarn: tosh sock

Pattern: Not Seen Before (pattern purchased on Ravelry)
Yarn: Hedgehog Sock

Lynn wore Mailin (pattern purchased on Ravelry) to work this morning. The yarn is Woolstok.

Thanks ladies for making today's blog post easy.