Sale Saturday September 14th

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Fresh & Juicy

Today was an interesting day. We had crazy weather. Beth sent this picture from her work in Caledonia. Melo doesn't look impressed.

When I got to work this morning and opened my computer it wouldn't connect to the Internet. After doing all the usual things (unplug the modem, unplug the router, restart the computer) I called my Internet provider. It took almost 2 hours of calls with them to decide that the router is damaged and I need a new one. You forget how much you rely on the Internet until you don't have it. I'll be heading to Best Buy tomorrow before work.

Now the happy news.

Mr. Canada Post brought us more sock yarn yesterday morning.

The colours of Opal's new Fresh & Juicy are awesome.

Mr. UPS brought us a box from Classic Elite yesterday afternoon that included more colours of Hanako.

One skein will make this cute hat.

We received more colours of Palace as well. Seven skeins will make this cozy Pi Shawl.

Alex stopped by the store with the pieces of the Shaded Landscape Wrap.

This is what the Wrap will look like when finished. The store sample will be edged in fuchsia.

Three strands of slender, silky Delicato team up in varying color combinations to create this dramatic wrap. 
You take charge, changing color gradually and at will. 

No Internet meant that I had some time to knit. I'm working away on the Sleeveless Slipover. The Studio Linen is very nice to work with. There is a slight sheen to the yarn when it is knit.

We finally have a new episode of The Big Bang Theory. I'm off to watch. And if I don't hurry Beth is going to start without me.