Sale Saturday September 14th

Monday, October 13, 2014

Thanksgiving Monday

I was up early this morning to head to the Ball's Falls craft show. The show opens at 9 and if you aren't there right away then the traffic to get can be awful. I've sat for over an hour to get to the parking lot.

Small problem. It was pouring rain. A lot of the vendors are outside in tents so they didn't open up in the rain. I only got to see about half of the vendors. Didn't make me happy after a 45 minute drive.

Another small problem. Marie-Joel had a booth there. She makes the ceramic quilts that hang on the wall of my dining room. Here are pictures from her booth. A few things came home with me. 2 mugs. A paint can - to sit on the kitchen counter and hold our cooking utensils. They look like concrete but are actually very light. Being the daughter of a contractor, I like concrete things :) I wanted the salad bowl too. That will probably come home from One of a Kind.

This came home too. Sorry for the poor picture. It started raining again and I was rushing. It was from an older collection so she offered it to me at a price that I couldn't refuse. It won't hang with the other pictures in the new house but I had to have it.

Beth is golfing today and my job is to get my bedroom closet in order. Before starting I logged into Facebook. Look what I found.

There is a new Stephen West KAL starting on October 31.
It’s the fourth consecutive year of the Westknits Mystery Shawl KAL so we are using four colors for the most colorful mystery shawl to date. You can expect a fun explorative knitting adventure full of surprises!
Check Ravelry for more details... 

I cleaned for a bit and then while waiting for the washing machine to finish, the dogs and I had a nap. Then back to laundry and cleaning. I'm almost done. Look what I found in my closet.
3 skeins of tosh merino light. I need 4 for the KAL. I wonder what I'm going to add.

Thoughts on doing the Westknits KAL as our next store KAL?