Sale Saturday September 14th

Wednesday, October 01, 2014

Shawls and Cowls

I wanted a sample of the October Dream Club yarn knit up so I cast on some stitches and Beth started a cowl on Friday night. She knit some on Saturday and I finished it on Sunday while watching football. The black and white picture from yesterday was the cowl blocking.
I used one skein from the October Dream Club (Classy - 100% superwash wool) and amended the Technicolor Cowl pattern from Dream in Color. Super easy and looks amazing. I am so in love with this colour. I considered keeping all the yarn for myself and making a sweater.

Kate Atherley brought Rosetta Tharpe to Camp for the fashion show. We had kits for the awesome shawl and there are a few left in the store. The price is $140 and that includes the pattern.

It’s based on the Pi shaping: starts at the center with nine stitches, with an increase round to double the stitch count every so often. The edging stitch pattern is flexible: work until you’ve run out of yarn, or the shawl is the size you want, or you just can’t take it anymore and want to wear the thing.The project requires only basic lace knitting skills, and being worked in the round, there’s none of that pesky purling. The only tricky bit is the start: you begin with a small round, but that’s over quickly.

This colourway is 
In a World of Locked Rooms, The Man With The Key is King 
Polite Loner
Cylons of Anarchy (the colour is a deeper red than is showing here) 
The yarn is 70% super wash merino, 20% cashmere and 10% nylon.

My Inspira Cowl is growing. It is a fun project to knit and the pattern is super easy to memorize. 

As long as you can count to 12, 6, 3 and 2 you are good to go. Here is a little hint to help you with counting rows. Look on the back of your work and count the strands. There are 5 green strands across the back - 5 rows in that section have been completed.

I'm a bit tired today. There was an awesome baseball game on last night. I hope the game tonight is half as good! The cowl should be finished and then onto the next project.