I hope that everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving today. We had a great meal at Aunt Rene's.
My Inspira Cowl is finished.
Last night was a late evening. We were watching the baseball games, college football and the Nascar race. When we got bored of those we decided to start watching something on Netflix. We picked The Good Wife. If it's been on TV for five years then it must be fairly good. The first episode was very good so we decided to watch another one. It was 1:30 when we finished the fourth episode. Definitely time for bed. I would recommend the show. Great for knitting because you don't need to pay too much attention.
My next project is started. I'm going to wait with pictures until tomorrow. I want it to grow some more first. Right now I'm undecided. Sometimes I like it, sometimes I don't. I think with more knit it will grow on me.
It's time for baseball and another football game. That means more knitting!