Sale Saturday September 14th

Saturday, June 24, 2017

All the way from Holland

Our order from Uschitita is being dyed right now.

Steffi is an Indie Dyer and a Med Student living in Holland. I'm very, very, very excited that she was able to fit us into her dye schedule.
Normally we´ll dye our most popular and new colorways for our wholesale customers and put together a mixed colorways order.
These pictures are just a sample of the amazing dying Steffi does. I won't know what colours are coming until the box arrives. There will be 25 colours, 8 skeins of each.

100% merino singles
366m (400 yards) on a skein

We have a family wedding this afternoon so I'm writing early. I'm working until 4 and then heading to the reception. I hope I remembered everything I need. 

Our back garden is growing like crazy. Austin planted different Clematis plants along the fence and they loved the rain yesterday. In a few years they should cover the whole fence.
I think I might be obsessed with flowers right now because of the colours. Just like yarn. The more colour the better. A customer was in last week and mentioned that she normally plants her gardens all in one colour. Then I introduced her to hand dyed yarns (particularly Hedgehog Fibers) and this year her gardens are multi-coloured. She too is obsessed with as many plants as possible in as many colours as possible.
Lucy came for a visit this morning. She has to go wherever my dad goes.