Sale Saturday September 14th

Monday, January 26, 2015


My morning drive. It was snowing like crazy in Ancaster. There was at least 2cm of snow on the ground when I got to the store. Wilson Street is a parking lot because the highway is a parking lot.

That picture was taken at 9:30. It's now 10:40 and the snow has stopped and the sun is out. Come on weather. Make up your mind. Snow or not but don't keep changing all day.

I haven't been paying too much attention to what is happening outside - it's 11:40 and snowing again. What a crazy day. At least I (and hopefully you) don't live on the east coast of the US. They are getting ready for one heck of a storm. Think of the knitting we could accomplish if we were snowed in for a few days.

To get you thinking about spring, here are the pretty new colours that Lorna's Laces is bringing out in a few weeks.

I'm home from work. I ducked out an hour early. The snow is still coming down in Ancaster and the roads are not very nice. Glad I made it home while it was still light out. It's knitting time. I started a new series yesterday on Netflix - Bones. Not too much thinking. Great knitting TV. I'm almost finished another project. Hopefully tonight.

If you are out on the roads, please be safe.