Sale Saturday September 14th

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Knitter's Frolic

Don't forget to get the Knitter's Frolic marked on your calendar. It's going to be here before we know it!
Marketplace: Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Workshops: Saturday 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Sunday 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

The Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre
6 Garamond Court, Toronto, Ontario
Ann Budd is the Keynote Instructor for this year’s Frolic.
The Knitter’s Frolic is Toronto’s premiere spring fibre festival organzied by the Downtown Knit Collective.

Featuring a one-day marketplace on Saturday with vendors from across Ontario, Quebec, New York, and Michigan retailing fibre, knitting, crochet products, and related accessories. The Knitter’s Frolic features prize draws, The Knit Cafe, and the beautiful venue of The Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre to socialize with like minded fibre enthusiasts.
The Knitter’s Frolic also features two days of workshops for both knitting, crochet, and spinning on Saturday and Sunday.


Anonymous said...

As an observant Jew, as many knitters are, I can never make a Saturday to this Frolic, and I would really love to go. Our whole knit group goes, but as I observe the Sabbath, I can not. Why don't you have half the presenters (sales) Saturday and half Sunday???

Julie said...

I'm sorry that you can't make it to the Frolic. I'm not in charge of dates-we are just a vendor at the show. If you go to the Downtown Knit Collective website you can send an email to the coordinators of the Frolic with your concerns. You never know-maybe in the future it will be two days.

Anonymous said...

I visited your store several times before and enjoy the huge selection. But I also notice you don't offer any sales at these events which is disappointing.