It's the time of year to wear scarves. I started thinking about my Hitchhiker Scarf and the fact that I had no clue where it was. After some searching (some should be in capitals-it took a bit) I found it in my room. This led me to think about Rock Island. I have two-one that I knit and one that Diana knit. Where were they? I know they weren't at home. I found them nicely folded (thanks Cathy) along with some other shawls downstairs in the store. They are hanging in the store again.
My Rock Island (knit in Shepherd Sock) is now hanging along side the Austin Hoodie (knit in Solemate) that has a Linen Stitch Scarf on it (knit in Shepherd Sock). A little corner of Lorna's Laces. The Offhand Designs bag is a Scottie in Gilroy. I'm hoping no one sees it because it will look good in my house.
I'm almost ready to go. One more load of laundry and then I can pack. Maps (hotel, shopping, zoo) are printed. I have a navigation system in the car but when I'm going somewhere new I like to have a map as well-just in case.
My knitting is ready to go.
Drop City using Dream in Color Everlasting Sock. The colour is Concord which didn't photograph well. The pot lights made shadows so I kept moving rooms but it didn't help with the colours.
The colour is purple-what else would I be knitting with??
Now a bit of knitting and then early to bed. Morning will be here soon. :)