Sale Saturday September 14th

Monday, November 12, 2012

Coming for Spring

This morning I headed to Toronto to see some of the new yarns that will be coming for spring. The first yarn I looked at was Noro. As many of you know, I'm not a big Noro fan. Just joking. I love Noro. I wore a Noro sweater to the Open House.

This was a very popular yarn that we haven't been able to order for a while. It is coming back this spring with new colours.

A new yarn for spring. We carry Taiyo (the sweater I wore today was knit in Taiyo) and Taiyo sock in the store. Think of the beautiful shawl the Lace will make.

I really like this yarn. We had it in the store this past spring in pastel shades and will definitely be adding more colours for the upcoming spring.
There could be a sweater in this colour in my future. LOVE IT!!

New colours of Taiyo Sock (currently we have a dozen colours in the store)-which isn't just for socks. Take a look at Drop City on Ravelry-I just bought the pattern. This yarn will be perfect!
From the Open House I stopped to buy bags for the store at Creative Bag. We use clear plastic bags which are great for holding your project. You can see exactly what is in the bag. I also bought wrapping paper.

I like wrapping paper. :)

The next stop was Yorkdale. I totally forgot that today was a holiday for some people. The mall was jammed. It was like the Saturday before Christmas. I came out with a few bags. The first was something that I wanted and my parents bought me for my birthday (I can't show because it is still a few weeks until my birthday). Okay, I bought it today and they will pay me back. It is much easier for them this way. Then I went to the Apple store looking for an iPad Mini. Beth would like one for Christmas. No luck but I did get a present for my parents. It is their anniversary this week (49 years) so it is a joint anniversary/Christmas gift. My hands were full which meant it was time to head home. I stopped at the Apple store Mapleview but still no Mini. Best Buy Burlington had one. Score!! Beth knows about it-I want her to have it for our trip next week. We will wrap up the box so she has something to open on Christmas day.

It was a long day and I'm tired so it's time to have dinner and then rest knit. Next Iron Chef is on tonight. I have a feeling there will be time spent setting up someones iPad as well.