There are 170 people making the scarf on Ravelry so if the pattern was wrong someone before me would have found the mistake!!
Here it is after seeing Trish
When I took it out of my purse at the salon the stitches had come off my needle so I had to pull back a few rows. This is my excuse for not getting any further. Really it was the fact that I was enjoying some quiet time by myself and was daydreaming instead of knitting.
I can't say that I like Beth's iPad Mini. I LOVE IT!! It didn't take long to set it up. It is so light-weighs nothing compared to my iPad and it's lighter than my iPhone. I put a knitting pattern into iBooks to see how easy it is to read. Very. TV shows look good on it. Easy to watch. It fits nicely into the pocket of my purse. It won't take up any room in my knitting bag. I hope Santa is reading this.
It's TV and All the Shades of Truth time. I have 2 rows of black, 42 rows of purple and then 11 rows of black to go on section 6. Then the two side borders. It won't be done and blocked before I go away but I hope to have the knitting finished.