Sale Saturday September 14th

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

New Roof

We are having fun at the store for the next few days.

A new roof!! The shingles are being ripped off and new ones put on.

This morning Mr. Canada Post brought in a big, heavy box from Fleece Artist.
 Slubby Blue
100% Wool Blue Face Leicester
100m/125g 8mm, 10st/4"
Big needles = quick for a scarf.

There is a new pattern from Churchmouse that uses the Slubby Blue

Wooly Wreath and Garland
“A little woolly magic!”
Years ago we knitted mammoth woolly wreaths for our shop holiday display and they were so popular that we created home-sized versions for a cozy accent all winter long. The little garland is charming wrapped around your tree, over the mantle, down the banister—anywhere you want a little woolly magic. We've even been known to wear it!
2 skeins of Slubby Blue for a small wreath
4 skeins for the large one

Thrum Mitten Kit
-125 grams Blue Face Aran
-60 grams Merino Sliver
-(suggested needle size: 3.5 mm)

There is also a basket filled with fleece. You can use for needle felting or to knit thrum mitts. 

Thrum Mitts really keep your hands warm and they aren't hard to make. 

It's time for Survivor. My knitting hasn't progressed. Hopefully section 6 will get finished tonight. I'm going to be up for a while because X Factor and Criminal Minds are taping too.