Sale Saturday September 14th

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Goodbye Myrtle Beach

Yesterday was a beautiful day here. Hot and sunny. I did more running around for my parents and a bit of shopping for me. I spent some time at their house with all the windows and doors open and the chemical smell is getting better. I don't get to read much at home so I spent the time on their back deck getting some sun with a book.

Here is the forest behind their house. Much of it is damaged-the orange leaves were touched by the fire.

I also spent some time with our neighbours. We have great friends here who look after our houses when we are in Canada.

Last night I watched episodes of NCIS and knit. I didn't get as much knitting done as I had hoped but the weather has been so nice that I had to be outside.

This morning an email came through from Offhand Designs with their new fabrics and bags for fall. I will do a better post about these from home but here is a small taste.

This is Marcella in Frisco. I don't know if I can wait until the end of June to see them.

It's later in the day and all my chores are done. I'm sitting in the living room watching TV. Why not outside in the sun? We are having a huge storm. Crazy thunder and lightening.

I finished my book and now it's knitting time.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

Lois Evensen said...

As sad as fires in the forest are, it's amazing how fast the recovery is. We have watched burned areas in the Southern US as we pass there every ten weeks going to and from the ship.

Have a safe trip.
