Sale Saturday September 14th

Friday, May 18, 2012

Ready to Go

This morning I woke up at 7 because Melo was standing over me begging to go out. He is doing okay. They cut the incision and put in more stitches. He isn't happy but he runs really fast if you offer him a cookie.

I thought about going back to sleep but there was too much to do. I had parcels to get packed and to the post office. Then a trip to the bank. I also had my nails done-I can't go away with bad looking nails.

A few emails came in this morning with pretty pictures.
We have the Hermosa in brown, red and eggplant with the new gray micro suede lining. We have a black bag with the old lining and still have one peacock-it has been discontinued.

Kathryn, my Noro rep, sent me a link to the new Noro magazine. I picked a few pictures that I really like
Knit in Silk Garden
Knit in Silk Garden Sock.

I don't think I have enough magazines order. These designs are great!!
 Silk Garden Lite
Taiyo Sock

I could continue adding pictures but then this would be a really long post.
You can see all the designs from the magazine at

After work I'm going to quickly throw what I need in my suitcase and head to bed. 2:30 is going to come very early. I booked my flight for 6:40. It sounds good that I get into Myrtle Beach at 10:30 but I wasn't thinking of the drive to the airport and getting through the border. I will probably be at the airport very early but my knitting will be with me.

I did cry during Grey's Anatomy last night. I won't say anymore in case you have it taped and haven't watched it yet. Beth wouldn't watch. She had nightmares after seeing the coming attractions of a plane crash so she listened from the other room. Now we have to wait until September or October to know the outcome. I'm not the most patient person in the world-I want to know now!!

I'm going to hit Publish and work on my Breezy cardigan. The June 19th deadline sounds like a long time away but it will be here before we know it.


Jen Manuell said...

Thanks for sharing - so many lovely will I ever choose? ;-)

Lois Evensen said...

oooh, I really like that first blue sweater, too! :)

Anonymous said...

Julie - I am just curious about your folks. Did they somehow lose their house? Like a fire? Is that why they are getting a new condo and all new contents?

Anonymous said...

Julie. I am just curious about your folks. Did they lose their house? Like a fire? Is that why the are getting a new condo and all new contents?