Sale Saturday September 14th

Thursday, March 22, 2012

New Colours of Shepherd Sock

My Gnarled Oak cardigan has sat in my bedroom for the last week. I'm at the critical point. It's almost done but I'm not sure that I will like it. Will it fit? Will it look good on me? When I get here on a garment I put it aside and go onto another project. It's better to sit unfinished than be finished and not like it.

Last night I decided to suck it up and get back to the cardigan. I finished the chart (there were two rows to go) and then the five rows of garter stitch for the collar. The cast off is done and I had Beth pause Survivor so that I could look at it on me in the bathroom. I love it. It's with me today so that I can start on the front bands. The weather is supposed to cool down next week. I better get it done so I can wear it.

The next dilemma was buttons or shawl pin. I decided to go the shawl pin route. That way I can pin it many different ways using one of the many shawl pins in my drawer. Or I could choose a new one. :)

Ms. Canada Post came in this morning with a box from Lorna's Laces. New colours of Shepherd Sock are here!!

I'm coming up with combinations for Linen Stitch scarf kits as I am writing.

Beth called me this afternoon to ask if I had plans after work. She was thinking about going golfing and she didn't want the dogs to be alone for too long. Not a problem. I'll go straight home. I must admit I am jealous. Wish I was out enjoying the beautiful weather.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is looking great! Wanda