Sale Saturday September 14th

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Cables are started

I finished my short rows and have row 1 of the cable pattern done. You can't see a lot in the picture but I was proud of getting to this point.
There are finally enough rows done that I can put it on a mannequin. 
Last night a newsletter went out and a few people commented that the background was very distracting making it hard to read. I have picked a new template for the next newsletter that doesn't have any background so hopefully the problem will be solved.

Beth and I went to Five Guys for dinner and then did a bit of running around after work. When we got home I checked my email. An order from Winnipeg-thank you. Junk mail-no thank you. And an email from Direct Air that they have suspended all flights until May. Guess that means my plane ticket for two weeks from now isn't any good. I checked out Porter. Over $2000 for that weekend. US Air is over $700. I'm glad that my trip wasn't important. Maybe April.

My knitting is staring at me so I think I'm going to move upstairs and get a few more rows done.

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