Sale Saturday September 14th

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Organizing your needles

We have Christmas lights. Our neighbours came to us last week to say that they were putting lights up on their house. Would it be okay if they put them up on our side as well to make it look better? Are you joking? You are going to buy lights and put them up-Thank You Very Much. Now I need to get the wreath out for the front door.

Knitting class is meeting at my house tonight. I was up early and in the grocery store before 8. What a great time to shop. The store was empty and the bread is really fresh.

We just received a shipment of needle cases from Della Q

Interchangeable Needle Case
  • Fifteen numbered pockets for tips, five additional unnumbered
  • Four unnumbered pockets for cords
  • Zip pocket for connectors and tools
  • US Numbers: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10.5, 10.75, 11, 13, 15
  • Metric Numbers: 2.75, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5, 6, 6.5, 7, 8, 9, 10
  • Closed: 4" w x 7.25" h Open: 15" x 7.25"
  • Poly Silk
      This wallet size case is perfect to store your Knitter's Pride, Addi Clicks or any other interchangeable set. It might even be smaller than your wallet for those of you who feel the need to keep every receipt. You have a case already? Where are you storing those extra tips we know you bought? There is space in this case. The case folds in quarters and ties securely. A zip pocket on the side stores your connectors or tools.
We have

Are you looking for a way to store your straight needles? More Needle Rolls came as well.
  • Fifty-seven numbered pockets, three unnumbered
  • US Numbers: 0, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10.5,10.75, 11, 13, 15, 17
  • Metric Numbers: 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5, 6, 6.5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12
  • Closed: 15.5" h. Open: 24.75” w x 15.5”h.
  • Pocket depths of 5.75", 8.75", 11.5"
  • Taffeta Silk and Poly Silk
This holds more straight needles than your grandmother has in her collection. With space for 60 sets of straight needles, you will be the envy of your knitting guild. It is tall enough to hold those extra long so called "14 inch needles" that are really 15 inches. Warning! You may feel the need to shop for any missing sizes to fill the empty pockets.
We have Brown, Purple, Fuchsia and Seafoam.

It's almost going home time. We didn't get the house cleaned last night so we will be rushing around the house trying to get rid of dog hair. We will also be making brownies and cookies. The house will be smelling good when everyone arrives. :)


Lois Evensen said...

We haven't done lights this year. It'll be a stretch to get the tree up before the gang gets here on Christmas Eve. :) We have been away from home until the third week so November so I feel everything is behind. We will have fun, though! Love your "free" lights!

Anonymous said...

Hi Julie,
What is the price of the needle rolls for straight needles? Looks like a great gift idea.