Sale Saturday September 14th

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Mom and dad

I got on my way early this morning. I played some slots at the Mirage then moved onto TI. If you know Vegas then you know I was moving towards the mall. :)

I didn't buy anything for myself but I did get a present for Beth.

Then it was on to The Venetian. This is the ceiling where the cars pull in.

Mom and dad should be arriving any time now. When you are out walking in the sun it is very warm. Sorry. I am sitting outside where the cabs pull up in the shade and am glad that I have my fleece jacket on.

Today is going to be showing them around. Tomorrow is golf in the morning. Very early. We are seeing Mystere tomorrow night.

I hope they let me rest for a bit this afternoon.

I saw the cab pull up with mom and dad and I hid until the got to the door of the hotel. They were totally shocked.

They are checked in. We have the car and I am having a rest before dinner.

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