A cute story about the twins. I can't tell them apart. When they were five I commented to them that the twin whose name starts with a B should always wear blue to help us. Since that day whenever we see the twins, B is always wearing a blue shirt. Life is much easier now. :)
Yesterday I mentioned that Silk Garden Lite was available again. Here are the shades. I have two cardigans in the yarn and love it!!
#2038 is calling my name. I have shoes with those colours-it would make a great outfit. :)
Silk Garden Lite
45% silk
45% mohair
10% lambswool
$11.95 a ball.
There were two new yarns in the shipment as well.
The vest is knit in Tanabata and the pattern can be found in the new magazine from Noro-#29. Ann is going to knit it up as a sample for the store.
33% Cotton
27% Nylon
17% Rayon
16% Wool
7% Silk
80m on a 50gram ball
Suggested needle size 6mm
$11.95 a ball
The pattern for the Nobori vest can also be found in Noro #29.
42% Cotton
31% Nylon
14% Wool
13% Silk
160m on a 100gram ball
$19.95 a ball